VCM Wealth provides professional, full-time investment management services for Not for Profit and Non-Profit organizations, Endowments and Foundations. We are here to help your organization achieve your goals.
Strategic Planning for Organizations
We assist organizations by partnering with you to develop a strategic plan, and once developed, to adhering to the plan for the long term to ensure that your purpose will continue for several generations. VCM also works with your organization’s finance and development committees to understand and contribute to the overall success of your mission.
VCM’s Investment Approach for Institutional Investments
Our firm focuses on producing meaningful investment returns over time while simultaneously managing the risk of significant declines along the way.
VCM’s proprietary investment strategies are time-tested. Each strategy carefully analyzes current economic and market trends. Our portfolio management process follows a disciplined, value based approach that capitalizes on market analysis and rigorous fundamental research. We take great care in being stewards of capital and in providing our clients with durable portfolios that have favorable risk and reward characteristics.
Our core beliefs of investment management dictate the following values:
Risk Control
While we strive for superior returns, our first priority is producing consistent returns while protecting capital and reducing volatility in turbulent markets. We define risk as a permanent loss of capital and place the highest priority on preventing losses. Investing inherently involves a tradeoff of risk which is why risk profiling is a valuable aspect of VCM’s overall process.
Rigorous Analysis
In every aspect of what we do, we recognize that success happens when preparation meets opportunity. We continuously and diligently seek to identify future opportunities and patiently realize their value over time.
We do our own in-depth research to reach independent conclusions to validate decision-making. Our process for organizing and interpreting data makes it much easier to buy when an asset’s price has declined relative to its peers or the security markets in general. Conversely, we must be able to say “no” to those overpriced assets even if it is unpopular. A willingness to be patient and contrarian is vital. We believe the most successful portfolios adhere to a low cost, well diversified approach that utilizes both traditional and alternative asset classes.
We seek to represent our profession and ourselves with the utmost integrity as fiduciaries. Our commitment to ethics, accountability, and transparency is ingrained in our culture.